I got off the plane at 11:00PM. After frantic packing, driving an hour to catch a plane in Grand Rapids, and experiencing a two-hour lay-over in Baltimore, I finally made it to my warm 85 degree homeland to visit my father – and I’d gotten away from my rather cold days as a permanent visitor at a college with no family for miles. Though I enjoyed the classes, hanging outs in coffee shops, the intellectual conversations in dorms, and the perpetual uncertainties of the weather in Michigan, I was excited to venture into the familiar territory of Florida. I was eager to finally seize the opportunity of a weekend at home, a pleasure not often obtained by a Non-Michigander, or a Non-Midwesterner, for that matter. Although I had left on a Wednesday for this trip, informed my professors that I would be gone, and finished my homework early, little did I know a day off of classes for everyone was in store: Day of Gracious Living was announced for that very Friday. My Michigan adventures became an Atlantic Ocean escapade and family bonding.