Thursday, June 21, 2012

Transitionary times

Summer is finally here. After the 22 weeks of winter and spring quarter with only spring break in between, I am extremely ready for the summer and its distinct lack of classes. But before my summer fully began I had to do one more thing, attend graduation to see off all of the seniors who I have grown accustomed to seeing here on campus, and who, in some cases, I have become close friends with. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Wrapping up loose ends

I recently attended my very last Index meeting of the year. The Index is our student run newspaper that is committed to distributing timely and relevant news about the goings on at Kalamazoo College. The cool thing is that we are the only news source for things of that nature, so we tend to stick to the activity and vitality of the world in which we live – the K Bubble.